Wednesday, September 2, 2009



Tonight I had a wonderful conversation with a loving, wonderful friend. We spoke of the lost years. We spoke how Domestic Violence has affected our lives.

Domestic Violence is an epidemic that is completely out of control in our Country and all over the world. My abusers were law enforcement officers. They abused there power. No one is above the law. My memory of the past has lived with me for many years. I was told numerous times that no one will ever listen to my cry for help and no one did until I stood up for myself.

Many years ago I was attending a Spanish banquet and a female officer who I have know for years came to warn me that, my abuser was going to do everything in his power to have me arrested and because of this warning I fled the city.

To all victims of Domestic Violence, stand up, keep your head high and do not be afraid anymore. You have rights; your voice will be heard!!!

Your not alone anymore and never believe that because of the position your abuser hold as a city, state, military officers that, they have the right to abuse you!!!

Many survivors are free of the abuse but……They are not free of the horrible memories of what happened to them. My children and I have moved forward because of the love and support we have given to one another.

Many family members continue to lie about the abuse of the past. My mother and father before there death would say to me, Hija, continue the fight because you deserve better and you did not deserve to be abused. This is why I continue to speak out against domestic violence!!!

God is on my side!!!!

God bless all victims and survivors of Domestic Violence

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